Liquid Amino Acid ZMC Chelate

AAZMC is ideal for correcting or preventing a deficiency of the three main Trace elements, Zinc, Manganese and Copper. These elements chelated to an organic acid such as Amino Acid gives the product a wide range of benefits. The chelate is a strong bond protecting the nutrient and maintaining it in solution making it easier to absorb, increasing its nutrient uptake ability, providing a slow released and consistent nourishment and thereby leading to increased yield and quality.

AAZMC can applied via soil injection at seeding time or foliar applications for broadacre crops.

Analysis w/v
Amino Acid (AA) -114g/l
Zinc (Zn) – 40 g/l
Manganese (Mn) – 60 g/l
Copper (Cu) – 10 g/l
Nitrogen (N) – 14.4 g/l
Sulphur (S) – 60g/l
pH - 3.0
Specific Gravity (SG) – 1.27
Liquid Amino Acid ZMC

Directions For Use

Soil Injection

Amino Acid Chelates create a symbiotic relationship in the soil fostering improved microbiology in the root zone, thereby facilitating nutrient absorption through the root system, reducing reactions in the soil solution, and making the nutrients more available and for a longer period.

Soil Injection Rate (l/ha) Water Rate (l/ha) Comments
-3-6 litres/ha40-100 litres/haCheck compatibilty if mixing with other products

Foliar Spray

AAZMC is an ideal product for foliar application, the Amino Acid enhancing the uptake and assimilation of the trace elements to rapidly correct micronutrient deficiencies. It is widely compatible with a range of post emergent chemicals.

Foliar Spray Rate (l/ha) Water Rate (l/ha) Comments
Cereals2-3 litres/ha70-100 litres/haApply from 3-5 leaves, through to all tillering stages
Canola + Legumes2-3 litres/ha70-100 litres/haApply when sufficient leaf area present

Deficiency Symptoms

  • Please refer to individual nutrient ranges.
